Natural Cures for Anxiety, Protect Body and Mind

Natural Cures for Anxiety Ritual
A morning ritual with natural cures for anxiety, known to support your mood and balance hormones; or choose any part of this ritual, to fulfil your personal needs accordingly. It can help you ease anxiety and protect your body and mind, while also works wonders for the skin!
During your shower or bath massage our Quiet Start Body Scrub into your body, encouraging lymphatic function and circulation in the skin. Each body part that you massage the scrub into, appreciate and thank for the job it does – e.g. “thank you arms for allowing me to hug my loved ones”, “thank you legs for taking me on walks”. Take some deep breaths and feel how Pearl helps you feel cocooned and the happy-oils – Jasmine and Rose soothe the nervous system and boost your mental energy. Being positive and thankful is one of the best natural cures for anxiety.
Massage our Feminine Happy Oil over your chest, abdomen and lower back, focussing on the kidney and heart area. As you massage the oil into the body, take some deep breaths and make a mental list of five things which you have to be grateful for. Gratitude has proven effects on our mind and how we frame our situation. The powerful adaptogenic ingredients in this body oil (Maca, Pfaffia, Rose, Sandalwood), balance the hormones, boost the mood, help the body cope with stress and support energy levels.
During times of anxiety or feeling tight chested or headaches it is nearly impossible to concentrate. For these moments, the Butterfly Balm is so therapeutic! Warm the Calm Butterfly’s Balm between your fingers and massage into your temples, your heart centre and your chest. Ingredients of arnica and lavender are beneficial for pain and inflammation, Calendula and Rose help to calm the mind, soothe the nerves, feel centred.