Travel Anxiety? Top 5 Travel Tips For A Stress-Free Flight

Travelling can be an intense and rather intimate experience (especially in the dreaded cattle-class). For several hours, we are enclosed in a small space with hundreds of other beings and there’s nowhere to hide. Also, the lower air pressure that decreases oxygen levels and it’s all too easy to catch a cold. Therefore, travel anxiety is completely natural. If you want to create a stress-free space of wellbeing when you travel, then here’s our survival kit of some travel remedies that work to keep you calm and grounded. Bon Voyage!
Reduce Travel Anxiety with these tips
1. Keep Warm and Cosy
First up, it’s all about creating a space of warmth and wellbeing. Bring your own pure wool or cashmere throw and socks and pack a silky eye mask – all these natural fabrics will make you feel like you’re in first class (well almost).
We highly recommend you invest in a pair of noise-canceling headphones – they dramatically reduce the sounds of engines, air conditioning, and people around you– trust us, you will float like a dream through the air.
2. Sip Hot Water With Ginger
According to Ayurveda, flying is a high ‘vata’ experience which means that it’s cold, fast, and airy, so drinking warm water will rebalance this energy. As well as this, warm ginger water is considered anti-inflammatory and will help relieve motion sickness.
Ginger is also used to strengthen the digestive system and can help prevent indigestion and nausea. All you need to do is place slices of fresh ginger in an empty flask and fill it up with warm water just before your board or in-flight.
3. Protect Your Energy
Traveling is an intimate experience, especially when we are seated so close to a stranger for several hours.
If this makes you feel a little uncomfortable then we recommend you pack our Remedy no. 9 Protective Aura Day Cream.
This little gem is made from ingredients that provide high-level anti-pollution, environmental, and stress protection – so not only will your skin feel well-nourished and beautifully scented, but will help you feel energetically protected against travel anxiety.
One of the key ingredients is Moringa that is high in antioxidants that help fight free radical damage and let’s face it – who doesn’t need a dose of that?
4. Natural Rescue Remedies
It’s all about keeping grounded during your journey. Our Remedy no. 8 Calm Butterfly’s Soothing Balm is not only a nurturing hand and body balm but also doubles as a nervous tummy and headache reliever – simply dab a few drops on your temples around the eyes or rub around your belly.
A must-bring is the Remedy no. 1 SOS Pearl Drops, a modern-day homeopathic rescue remedy that works for the whole family.
Made with stabilizing Passiflora, reassuring Poppy essence, and calming Pearl, this really is a potent trouble-shooter for calming frayed nerves.
5. Spa On Arrival
Can’t afford an upgrade? Spa on arrival is the next best thing.
Be smart and book ahead for your deeply relaxing treatment, your ‘spa on arrival’ experience. Opt for a deeply nurturing massage, Indian Head massage, or acupuncture session. A dip in the salty ocean is an incredible curative and brings you instantly back to the ground.
Even a basic herbal steam, warm bath with essential oils, or a fitness work-out will do wonders for how you feel. You really will feel more cleansed and rejuvenated. Well, we can’t say enough about this travel ritual – even if you are fortunate to fly business or first class, a ‘spa on arrival’ is a win-win!