Inspirational 2022 – How to live your life to the fullest

There is a familiar, comforting, almost magical feeling in the air: Christmas is here, and a new year is soon going to begin. What’s more, after the winter equinox on December 21st, the days are slowly going to get longer and brighter — and our bodies and minds start to prepare for letting in more light. Which of today’s modern stressors would you like to leave behind in 2021? We bet you can name a few! 2022 can be the year you not only live life to the fullest but truly embrace holistic wellbeing and total peace of mind.
Life is for living to the fullest: here’s how to enjoy it in 2022
Mind and body wellness may sound like an unrealistic ideal, but it’s not. Daily commitments to nourishing your soul and rebalancing your life will take you a long way. For example:
1. Build your daily wellness routine
Looking after your body is one of the most important ways to achieve — and maintain — harmony and balance in life.
Even the simplest of habits can have a significant impact, too. You can start by selecting the right skincare products for your skin type or concern, and ensure that you apply them every day in a calm and mindful indulging way — even when you’re feeling rushed! Time spent taking care of yourself is always time well spent.
Then, remember to nourish your body with wholesome, highly-nutritional foods while responsibly consuming caffeine and alcohol, which can hamper your overall wellbeing.
You could also add an evening bubble bath to your wellness routine, complete with fragrant candles or bath oils and relaxing music in the background.
Finally, try to wind down before you go to sleep — switch off your electronics, read a good book, or stretch out with some gentle evening yoga.
2. Practice gratitude
A person who lives life to the fullest is someone who’s able to identify, appreciate, and celebrate all the small things that make life so worth living. Practicing gratitude is a wonderful habit to implement, and one that will keep strengthening your inner balance as well as grounding your body and mind.
One of the best things about practicing gratitude is that there’s no right or wrong way to do it. You could, for example, write a letter (or email) to a friend you haven’t seen in a while, and tell them how important they are to you and how much you miss them.
Similarly, you might want to take the opportunity to remind your partner, children, or other family members and friends that you love them by saying it to them, every day.
But you can show gratitude to strangers, too, by thanking them for holding the door of a shop open for you, helping you carry those heavy bags to the top of a staircase, or simply letting you cross the street first.
Lastly, don’t forget to show gratitude to yourself. That inner voice we all have can be critical at times; we either nit-pick or neglect the beautiful body we’ve been given and it’s all too easy to downplay our achievements. But self-love is the important kind of love there is — so what can you do in 2022 to show up for yourself?
3. Reconnect with your inner world
Meditation and mindfulness also help you live life to the fullest.
Through these ancient practices, you will be able to reconnect with the deepest and most significant parts of your inner self. At the same time, you will reduce stress and anxiety and feel blissful and at peace with the outside world.
Spending time in nature is another fantastic idea if you want to reinforce the connection between your inner world and the outside one. This can be as simple as taking a walk in a nearby park.
Here, you can let yourself enjoy all the sights and sounds that you might not normally acknowledge — a butterfly flying by, a squirrel munching on some seeds, the calm ripples of a pond. Welcome all the feelings of peacefulness, happiness, and gratitude that this experience can generate.
We are here by your side
Whatever you choose to do in order to create happier, healthier, and longer-lasting habits in the New Year, ilapothecary will be right by your side.
We are committed to helping you achieve positive, sustainable change through nurturing and rebalancing both your physical and your emotional self. If you’d like to read more wellness tips and advice, check out our blog today.